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Spiritual Lessons from Owning a Flower Shop

I am sure that most people working in a government job, leaving and then in turn buying a flower shop wouldn't think that it would be a spiritual experience. It actually has been a spiritual awakening of sort. Yes, it certainly was nice having a regular paycheck, "so-called security" and government pension but what I have gained is so much more than that. Now at one time, I remember that is what I thought I wanted when I started working in the prison system of the government. I remember when the Warden of one of the prisons called to say that I was now a civil servant! Back then I was overjoyed. I actually cried tears of happiness and thought, this was it! I was going to work 25-30 years, and retire with a government pension. I had it made! So I thought. I know what you are thinking! I am crazy! I had worked in four different prisons and then... gave it up??? Giving it up didn't come easy, I must say. A series of car accidents ensued, but that is another story. Take a peek at what I have gained in spiritual wisdom with my rite of passage.

1. TRUST - Everyday I have to trust the universe that I will be provided for. Sure, there are moments that I have a panic attack but I trust that things will work out and you know what? Most times they do.

2. LET IT GO - My moto has become "let it go - let it flow". Ok, I might have to say this one frequently.

3. CREATIVE SOURCE - With my last working experience I had no opportunity to allow my creative juices to flow. I felt stiffled within those prison walls. Figuratively and literally. Policies, procedures and no color! Now I have an opportunity to tap in to that creative source I was born with and express, feel and connect with nature and in a beautiful way.

4. NATURE - I get to connect with mother nature. It amazes me just looking a the delicate petals of a flower alone, the detail, color and brilliance of earths masterpieces.

5 INTUTION - My intuition skills have increased in ways I never thought possible. I have to intuitively know how many stems of flowers, and what flowers to order for the week ahead. It is incredible how things just happen to work out. In one situation, I ended up with a funeral for that week and the daughter wanted to have yellow lillies for her mothers funeral. It just so happened I had asked for yellow lillies just hours before. These things happen all the time. I trust the internal knowing now and don't question it.

6. VUNERABILITY - The "V" word! The word strips you down like you are naked on a busy street in New York City. I have had to become so vunerable through the years of owning the flower shop. I have learned to be grateful for it - most of the time. It has allowed me to learn and expose even parts of myself I have kept in the shadows of my light. Taking me to those places deep within, pushing limits and allowing me to reach higher.

7. BELIEVE - I have to believe most of all - in myself. Enough said.

8. ACCEPTANCE - I have to accept the choices I make, the good bad and ugly. Acceptance of myself, my truth, and what the universe is handing over to me at any particular time.

9. DEATH - This is both beautiful and raw. Dealing with death has been both a curse and a blessing. I must say though out of all the different things I have had to design for, funerals have been my favorite. It incororates everything that I have just written about, trusting, nature, creativity, vunerablity, acceptance, intuition and....most of all, letting go. It is a priviledge to be asked to design for someone's funeral. I consider it to be sacred. Death is sacred. I have learned so much about the human experience and hearing about someones journey on the earth has been undeniably beautiful.

10. BEAUTY - Above all I get to witness beauty through all of these things. Beauty in a flower, the texture, smells and the works of art I get to create through flowers....blessed be. Most of all, I have found beauty in myself. The beauty of my own spirit, the woman I have become. I have witnessed myself grow in ways I never thought possible. Yes, I have grown and most of all - I bloossomed.

By Josette Coulter


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